Thursday, October 4, 2007

Preschool and new Yahoo playgroup

Swear to God, is there a preschool (preschool, a couple of hours a day a few times a week, not daycare) in this town that isn't in a church and doesn't cost a fortune? I'm probably going to put Lizzie in a preschool program next year and since I'm OCD with regards to education (I spent over a year looking at schools for C) it is time to start looking. I had thought about going back to work when she was old enough for preschool and taking her with me. It has recently occurred to me that that might not be the best idea after all. First, because I don't really want to go back to work. Second, if I'm her teacher, she will never get used to being away from me and going to K will be a nightmare. There are still kids in C's class that are crying every single day at being dropped off without Mom. :( I don't want to do that to her because she will be a young 5 when she starts K (will turn 5 in May and start school the end of Aug). Finally, I'd like a little break once in awhile, whiles she gets to terrorize someone else :)

So anyone have any recommendations? Schools with websites are best because (as evidenced by this post) I do a lot of my stuff sitting in bed in the middle of the night but non-websites are good too. Even though I teach preschool, I don't have any experience with many in town. Just the one I taught at (the other, more recent one, was not in town and I wouldn't put Liz in their preschool) and they don't have a preschool program, they are strictly daycare, although they have a preschool curriculum that they use in the classes.

Also, for you local moms, I started a new Yahoo group to meet new people around the area. That is the email address to join, if anyone is interested. I haven't pimped it much yet so I'm the only member right. I'd love to see more people soon though :)


SunnyD said...

Maybe the best of both worlds (you can be involved, but not have to "work")?

SunnyD said...

The park district also runs part-time and full-time pre-school options... the Busy Bees and the Eager Beavers...

But yeah, finding non-church based pre-schools that don't cost a fortune is a huge challenge.

Unknown said...

Have you looked at Playtime Preschool in Urbana?