Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gift cards as gifts

I LOVE gift cards. I was just reading something about how it is SO rude to give people give cards because it means you don't care enough about them to know what they would want instead. IMO, getting someone a gift card means you care enough about their time to get them something useful, instead of something that they may not need or want and will just have to return (or regift, which is also OMG SO rude, apparently). My MIL hates giving gift cards and I've been asking for one for every gift giving holiday since dh and I got married. I simply don't understand this. I know what I want, I know where to get and I want the best deal for my money. Why kill yourself buying something I don't like (she has this thing with buying jewelry, which I often don't like or can't wear because of an allergy) or won't be able to use. For example, we asked for a Wii this year for Xmas and I asked for a gift card to buy accesories for it. I don't know what games we want, I want to wait until we find a good deal on something. I don't know how many controllers we will want or need, I don't know if we will need remote skins or anything else.

I swear, when I sat down to write this, this was a lot more intelligent. I've been distracted 20 times since I started and it no longer has even close to the same flow as when I started. :(

1 comment:

Susan said...

I understand what you mean, Carrie. I often feel the same way. Last Christmas we were totally teased and given a hard time because we made a list, and asked for lists from others also. We had just moved back to the country and had a new baby. Nobody knew what we needed or wanted since they hadn't been around us for 10 years or so, and never had to bother with buying us gifts before. It was sad. I didn't get it. I'd like to do the same for this year, but I'm afraid of the backlash if I put it out there. I ended up buying educational/intelligent/creative gifts for my nieces and nephews because they certainly get enough (too much) junk, and it seemed we were kind of laughed at for that too. I thought the gifts were cool. Anyway, this is just a long way to say, I understand! :))