Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First day and sick kids

I sat down to do some scrapping and then decided to check my email and my LJ and then I decided I needed to blog and then I'm heading to bed. So no scrapping tonight.

Monday was C's first day of school. I expected to cry and be upset, but I really wasn't. I knew crying before I dropped him off would be bad so the one time I teared up, I soldiered on and didn't cry. I thought he had a half day so when I got to school and found out that it was actually a full day, I was thrown for a loop. Because I had to run around and get him lunch and stuff, I didn't have time to be upset.

He loved it. He said he can't wait to go back for another AWESOME day. He says his teacher is sort of nice and sort of mean. I asked him how she was mean and he said "she made us sit at the tables and she wouldn't let me sit with J" (J is another boy in his class that we met earlier this summer). I said "so you think she is mean because she has rules and makes you follow them?" "Well, yeah!" Poor sad little boy :) He also told me that there is a kid in his class that "whines and cries like a crybaby all the time" Well, takes one to know one, Christopher!

When I dropped him off, he kept asking "where is J? When is J going to be here? Have you seen J?" I hung aorund in the classroom with all the other moms and when J walked in, he jumped out of his seat and said "hey buddy, let me help you with that" and helped his carry his bag of supplies to the back table. Then he said "hey, I saved you a seat, come on sit down" J was pretty happy about this because he is kind of shy. They sat there for a few seconds and then C looked up at me and said "you can go now mom" I asked if he was kicking me out and he said "yes, leave now" How rude! But at least he wasn't upset that I was leaving him. :)

On to the sick kids part, I'm so tired of sick kids! 2 weeks ago, C got sick with vomiting and diarrhea. It lasted 6 days (although between bouts he felt fine). Then last week (a day after C started feeling better) Lizzie came down with it. She has spent several nights throwing up most of the night. The first night, mom and I sat up with her most of the night. Then she went a night and was fine. Night after she threw up most of the night again. Next night, fine. Night after, she woke up about 3 am and told me she needed to go to the bathroom and threw up. We stayed up for an hour, but that was it. Then last night, she was sitting and snuggling with Evan and she kept making faces and things. He asked her a couple of times if she was ok and she always said yes. A minute later, I looked over at them and I said, "you need to take her to the bathroom, that is the face she makes before she pukes" He sat there and looked at me and I said "go. Now" He stood up to take her and she puked all over the floor. He sat with her while I cleaned that mess up. She was really restless last night and was a GROUCH all day today. She whined and clinged and griped about everything :( I'm fairly sure we'll have another pukey night ahead of us, but I'm hopeful that I'm wrong. She fell asleep on her own and hopefully she will sleep soundly, but I'm not counting on it.

Off to bed so I can be up half the night (if need be) and still get up and take C to school in the morning.

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