Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I'm really upset with my mother right now. We share a duplex with my parents so they are always around. Typically, this is a great thing, lending another adult or 2 when needed. However, recently, everything I do is wrong. When C broke his elbow, I didn't race him to the doctor so obviously, I didn't care that he hurt himself (a note, there was little or no swelling and he was using it just fine most of the day).

Yesterday, he asked to play a video game and I told him not right now (I didn't say no, I just simply wasn't ready for him to play because there was stuff I needed to get done). Instead of taking that answer, he came in the house, turned on the computer and proceeded to set up a game. While I appreciate the initive, he willfully disobeyed what I told him (a recurring problem of his) and when I told him to end the game got an attitude problem with me telling me "you let me play this game or else (also a recurring problem). I took away video games for a week because of it. Then tonight, he went up and asked to play at her house. I reminded him he was on restriction and that meant her house as well. Well obviously, that makes me a mean and horrible mother. How dare I set restrictions and expect my child to follow them!

And now, he has picked all the foam padding off on his cast. It has started to rub on his wrist because of it. He was doing it this morning and I told him repeatedly to cut it out, or it would make his wrist sore. Did he listen? No, because mom must be stupid. He told me at 2 minutes till 5 that he had picked it all off so it was too late to go back to the doctor to have something else done (I tried to call, but they had switched over to the answering service already). To protect his wrist, I ended up wrapping it (and the rest of his arm, because otherwise it would have been huge) in an Ace bandage until I can call the doctor in the AM. They open at 8:30 and I intend to call as soon as they open and see what we can do about getting a new splint or something. I said to my mom, "I'm cooking dinner right now, I'll deal with it when I'm done. Leave it until I can deal with it so that it gets back on correctly" She proceeded to start scrounging around looking for the Ace bandage. I told her again to leave it alone until I could handle it. A few minutes later, C walks in the kitchen, completely unbandaged! I yelled at her and told her that she needed to butt out. That splint is only supposed to come off for baths so she asks him if he wants to get in the bath while I finished dinner. Not the point!! Bath means off, wash, dry on. Not 20 minutes of playing and splashing in the tub. Then about 10:30 she comes down and starts griping at me about it again. It is a horrible thing that I wrapped his arm in the Ace bandage. Then she starts yelling at me telling me that I should just have put a sweat band on it or something. Does she have one? No. Neither do I. did she plan to go to the store to find one? No. Neither did I. Had she given me 5 minutes to do soemthing about it on my own, I probably would have come up with something better but instead she did exactly what I told her not to and I had to come up with something RIGHT NOW to make it work.

I'm so tired of this crap. If the kids hadn't been sleeping, I would have told her to mind her own business but I was afraid it would have started a fight and I didn't want to wake them up. As it is, I intend to call her tomorrow and tell her to butt out. If all she has is negative things to say, I don't need her help. I'm honestly about ready to lock the door and cut ourselves off from them completely.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

OH NO! I'm stressed just reading all that. Let's see...what should we pray for...seems so much need here! ...a prayer for obedience...a prayer for respect...and prayer for peace...and prayer for understanding...and prayer for....for you! God knows your needs!