Friday, April 18, 2008

So much fun

We went to McDonald's today with my friend K and her kids M and S (which I totally wrote the other way first but decided to change it LOL). We had a really good time and spent 2+ hours watching the kids play and chatting. K is super fun and thinks a lot like me. Evan says he isn't quite sure how to take her sometimes because sometimes, she'll say something and he'll be like "she must be kidding, but wait, she sounded really serious. Did she mean that?" I told him to quit over thinking things. :)

Then we went to culture arts night at school which was fun. C did the theater makeup class and came away looking like a zombie. Then we did the acting class, glass blowing (boring, she wasn't doing anything just showing a movie :( ), story telling and photography. Photography was the only one I was able to ask intelligent questions but that was ok. We also saw "Recycled Rythms" which is a guy who scavenages stuff and makes them into drums and other percussion intsruments. Lots of fun. Now I'm going to read my book and go to bed so I can get up and go to CeC in the am. Sadly, K won't be joining us because M would totally love it :)

I think I posted before about C's friend J who isn't being a very nice friend. I keep telling C that he needs to work on making new friends, but he hasn't been too successful at it just yet. Earlier this week, C was playing with another boy after school (we stay most days to play, if the weather is decent) and J wanted to play. I don't know what happened exactly but either C was in his own world and didn't register that J had asked to play or he purposefully ignored him. Either way, C was having fun and J was left out, just the reverse of what usually happens. J got upset and ended up going home early over the whole thing. I feel mildly bad to admit that I couldn't work up enough compassion to care. Childish, I know, but I sort of felt like "turn abouts fair play". I have noticed that since then J seems to be a little nicer and less likely to tell C to go away. Maybe this finally made it sink in for him that he wouldn't like being treated the way he was treating C. Here's hoping that is that case because while there are only 6 more weeks of school and I'm working to get him playdates set up with other kids his age, 6 weeks is a LONG time to be snubbeed by the one person you want to be friends with :(

1 comment:

Quigs78 said...

So is it weird to write things about people that you know are going to read it later? :) Poor Evan - maybe my humor is a little too dry for just meeting him. He'll learn.

And I totally LOL'ed at S&M!