Monday, March 17, 2008


What is it about music that allows us to remember it even without having heard it for years? I started thinking about this because I was ripping some old CDs a few weeks ago and now that I'm listening to the songs, I still know all the words, even though I haven't listened to them in 10 years, at least. Why is that?

I had something else to say about music (I thought about titling this "the good, the bad, the ugly" because I was going to talk about those things re: music but I don't remember what they are)

I'm hungry. We had a St Patrick's playgroup/dinner and unlike typical playgroup potlucks, not too many people showed up so the food was a little light.

I have an ADSR challenge that I need to do. The race has been crappy. Lots of stupid challenges that I will never use again so they are just a huge waste of my time. If I didn't have a partner that I like, I would just drop out of the race and be done with it. One challenge was at least half a page of journaling. I wrote a story on lined background paper and no pictures. The next challenge was 1/4 of journlaing with a large picture and some kind of blending mode. Then it was an interview with an inanimate object. Then it was a one partner challenge where you had to take your partner's layout and do exactly the opposite. The newest challenge involves lots of elements and only certain numbers of specific things. Generally, not my style and mostly a pain in the neck. I'm waiting on clarification on some questions (can my glitter alpha count as an alpha and bling?) so that I can get started. This is from the site that I made a snarky post about after last year's ADSR so I'm already irked about it.

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